INTRO: This is me.

I'm still not comfortable saying exactly how much I weigh but in your mind you can probably take a good guess. I do have confidence that when I see myself losing a good amount of weight, I will finally go about posting my original weight and the weight at that present time. 

Every 13th of the month I will be posting results, and more pics, even if the results are not visible I will still post them.  

I look at these pictures with disgust. The final negative feeling about my body that I will ever allow myself to have. It's time to change and I now have 2 kids who deserve a great role model and healthy mother. I deserve to have a normal life, running and playing with my kids and also being able to keep up with my Fiance. I have many reasons, some extremely personal, others might seem immature, but I encourage people to be honest with themselves and include any reason they may have to serve as motivation to lose weight, even if the reason is selfish or simple.

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