Day 3: Intense & Incredible

I'll start by saying how my walk went. At first I was in pain from my feet and general soreness. This faded and I was left battling the intense heat. My determination to finish was persistent and  when I got back home I realized that I have never been so tired in my life. I could feel how I had pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do and it felt AMAZING! I'm going to strive for that euphoric feeling every time I work out. On a side note, I just realized how Nike+ is awesome on my IPod. Here's a picture of the canal next to the path at the park that I walk at.

Herbalife Formula 1 Shake w/ protein & herbalife tea.

Same as breakfast since I was going to be at the in-laws and they usually make dinner.

Milanesa a Mexican dish small piece with a side of veggies. 

And nothing but water. Tomorrow is sure to be another amazing day and I will do extra walking since I'm going to the flea market! Today was seriously full of amazing realizations and motivational thoughts that had never crossed my mind. 

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